Our Philosophy
There are a lot of corporate health and wellness programs, all with different services, procedures, and practices. Each program claims that their services will be the best at improving the health of your employees. With all of these employee health and wellness programs in existence, how will you know which is the right program for your company? Understanding the intentions, belief system, and goals that motivate the employee health and wellness program is key in knowing which program would be the best fit for you and your employees. These intentions, belief system, and goals are also known as the philosophy that the corporate health and wellness program runs by. Choosing a program that has a promising and genuine philosophy ensures that your employees will be receiving the best quality care. This will mean the success of your employees achieving optimal wellness and health.
An employee health and wellness program that focuses solely on the well-being of a company’s employees is a program you can trust. It is important that health professionals are trained to offer services focused on giving quality and personalized care for each individual employee. By offering these valuable services, your employees will then have the tools necessary to achieve better health and overall wellness.
Our Philosophy
Summit Wellness believes that each person has unlimited potential to achieve far more than they feel is possible. In order to reach that potential, one must be able to envision their dream, embark on the journey, navigate and persevere through the storms, reach their summit and then use the momentum gained to create a new vision. This is a summit journey.
Summit Wellness believes that a healthy lifestyle is of paramount importance to obtaining the summit journey. Well-balanced nutrition, fitness, and mental health are the tools needed for achievement.
Summit Wellness believes that when great effort is put into reaching personal summits, grand rewards will follow.
The Process
Along with having a strong and trustworthy philosophy, it is also important that an employee health and wellness program have a well-thought out process. What makes a process successful is one that keeps in mind all elements that affect an individual overall health. In order to achieve ideal health, there are many factors that are involved. These areas include assessment, fitness, nutrition, and mental health. When these areas are targeted, employees can expect positive changes in their overall well-being.
Our Process
Summit Wellness’ employee health and wellness program is designed and organized as a process. This process was created to produce impactful and lasting results. Summit Wellness’ process is broken down into assessment, fitness, nutrition, mental health, and summit journeys.
Since no two bodies are the same, Summit Wellness knows no two health plans can be the same. We do an in depth assessment on each employee in order to customize a personalized plan to create the lifestyle necessary to achieve their chosen summit journey.
The Summit Wellness fitness program focuses on a variety of different exercise modalities including stretching, yoga, core, pilates, circuit training, weight lifting, and cardio to give employees the energy and strength they need to pursue their dreams. We know that when they begin to adopt a healthy lifestyle, they will have more energy, confidence, ability and desire to incorporate experiences that enrich and balance their life.
Summit Wellness understands nutrition. It is the largest part of the health equation and we put great emphasis on figuring out what are the best things for your employees to eat. How your employees fuel their body has a direct correlation to their health, weight, energy levels, disease processes, sleep quality, and ability to handle stress.
Mental Health
Summit Wellness’ Counseling Center offers individual screenings and treatment by licensed mental health counselors. We specialize in helping those who desire to become healthier and reach their full potential physically and emotionally. We provide world class resources for those who struggle with the failure to launch syndrome, screen addictions, anxiety, depression and trauma recovery etc.
Summit Journeys
Summit Wellness’ summit journeys are to inspire individuals to live a lifestyle and not just do a program. We use challenges and adventure experiences to incentivize people to stick with their health goals. We offer experiences that provide the inspiration and motivation individuals need to take on bigger and better challenges. We want these experiences to give more meaning to their life, develop their character, and help them to live a formula of health that propels them upward.
The health and well-being of your employees is important. Their overall wellness can be achieved if they are given the necessary tools. Let Summit Wellness be the one to give your employees the tools that they need. We are here to help. Learn more about our philosophy and process here. We look forward to getting to know you and your employees better and helping you achieve better health.